maybe your keil licensed error
刘流鎏 发布的帖子
RE: Keil v5.38 how to setup it to compile the ble_simple_peripheral ?
RE: 关于FR8016H芯片的一个主机多个从机的问题。
- 你提供一个邮箱, 我发给你ble_multi_connection
- 烧录方式是一样的.
- 同1
4.user_init_static_memory 是个虚函数, 使用方法如下;/*
- Re-configure connection num, ble tx/rx buff num & length, stack_size.
- Function define as follow,
- void initial_static_memory(uint8_t act_num,
uint8_t adv_act_num,
uint8_t con_num,
uint8_t rx_buf_num,
uint16_t rx_buf_size,
uint8_t tx_buf_num,
uint16_t tx_buf_size,
uint16_t max_adv_size,
uint16_t stack_size_) - @act_num, should be con num + 2
- @adv_act_num, If mesh is enalbed, value is 2. else value is 1.
- @con_num, max connection num, max value is 20
- @rx_buf_num, ble ll layer rx buf num
- @rx_buf_size, ble ll layer rx buf length
- @tx_buf_num, ble ll layer tx buf num
- @tx_buf_size, ble ll layer tx buf length
- @max_adv_size, ble ll layer max adv_size.
For legacy adv, value can be 0x1F. For Extended adv, value can be 254*4 - @stack_size_, stack size, normally value is 0x800
- default setting is initial_static_memory(9, 2, 6, 8, 251, 8, 251, 254, 0x800);
void user_init_static_memory(void)
initial_static_memory(22, 1, 20, 6, 27, 6, 27, 254, 0x800);
- ble_simple_muti_salve是从ble_simple_central 改的, 同事忘记改工程名称了, 他们实现的功能是不一样的哦
RE: 手头有两个蓝牙模组请教一下功耗问题
@chenrichao 在 手头有两个蓝牙模组请教一下功耗问题 中说:
广播状态通过降低广播间隔将功耗. -
RE: 关于ble_AT APP与串口通讯的 发送与接收
gAT_ctrl_env.transparent_start进入透传模式. switch(gAT_env.at_recv_state)非透传模式, 追一下代码 -
RE: 外部中断怎么调用
老板, 请看代码, 例程在examples\none_evm\ble_drivers_demo\下.
#include "driver_exti.h"
#include "driver_system.h"
#include "driver_gpio.h"
static enum ext_int_type_t exti_type ;
attribute((section("ram_code"))) void exti_isr_ram(void)
uint32_t exti_src;exti_src = ext_int_get_src(); ext_int_clear(exti_src); co_printf("exti_key:%x\r\n",exti_src); if( exti_src & BIT(EXTI_12) ) { if(exti_type == EXT_INT_TYPE_LOW) exti_type = EXT_INT_TYPE_HIGH; else if(exti_type == EXT_INT_TYPE_HIGH) exti_type = EXT_INT_TYPE_LOW; ext_int_set_type(EXTI_12, exti_type); } else if( exti_src & BIT(EXTI_13) ) { }
void demo_digital_exti(void)
co_printf("digital exti isr\r\n");system_set_port_mux(GPIO_PORT_D, GPIO_BIT_4, PORTD4_FUNC_D4); gpio_set_dir(GPIO_PORT_D, GPIO_BIT_4, GPIO_DIR_IN); system_set_port_pull( GPIO_PD4, true); ext_int_set_port_mux(EXTI_12,EXTI_12_PD4); ext_int_set_type(EXTI_12, EXT_INT_TYPE_LOW); ext_int_set_control(EXTI_12, 1000, 4); ext_int_enable(EXTI_12); system_set_port_mux(GPIO_PORT_D, GPIO_BIT_5, PORTD5_FUNC_D5); gpio_set_dir(GPIO_PORT_D, GPIO_BIT_5, GPIO_DIR_IN); system_set_port_pull( GPIO_PD5, true); ext_int_set_port_mux(EXTI_13,EXTI_13_PD5); ext_int_set_type(EXTI_13, EXT_INT_TYPE_NEG); ext_int_set_control(EXTI_13, 1000, 4); ext_int_enable(EXTI_13); exti_type = EXT_INT_TYPE_LOW; NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI_IRQn, 4); NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI_IRQn);
RE: 关于ble_AT APP与串口通讯的 发送与接收
@qq1152307078 在 关于ble_AT APP与串口通讯的 发送与接收 中说: